Recess in the media–by others
June 25, 2020 American Academy of Pediatrics, US COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry
Reducing classmate interactions/play in elementary school-aged children may not provide enough COVID-19 risk reduction to justify potential harms.
Enforcing physical distancing in an outside playground is difficult and may not be the most effective method of risk mitigation. Emphasis should be placed on cohorting students and limiting the size of groups participating in playground time. Outdoor transmission of virus is known to be much lower than indoor transmission.
June 17, 2020 The Hospital for Sick Children “SickKids”, Toronto, Canada COVID-19: Recommendations for School Reopening
During outdoor activities, such as recess, physical distancing should not be required. • Children should perform hand hygiene prior to sports activities/outdoor play/playground use. • Sports and physical education classes should be encouraged and continue according to available protocols. There should be special consideration as to whether re-starting sports with a high degree of physical contact (i.e. rugby, football and wrestling) should be postponed or modified for the present time.
May 28, 2020 Medical Xpress, US Research group advocates prioritizing recess as schools look ahead to students’ return (features Massey)
May 27, 2020, The Educator, Australia Recess key to reopening schools – experts (features Hyndman, Ramstetter & McNamara)
May 25, 2020 Education Today, Australia Recess key to reintroducing children to schools (features Hyndman, Ramstetter & McNamara)
May 21, 2020 The Border Mail, Australia Albury lecturer joins Global Recess Alliance’s call for more play time (features Hyndman)
May 19, 2020 Central Western Daily, Australia OUR TOWN OUR UNIVERSITY School recess is critical for our children (features Hyndman, Ramstetter & McNamara)
The Educator Magazine, May 19, 2020 “Why schools should prioritise recess”
The Educator Magazine is Australia’s only magazine and news website for the most senior educational professionals & decision makers. Australian representative of the Global Recess Alliance, Senior Lecturer and Course Director in Charles Sturt University’s School of Education Dr Brendon Hyndman, said he hoped the statement will highlight the benefits of recess, particularly during these uncertain times.
How schools can approach recess in the 2020 school year (May 15, 2020 Playworks)
• The Washington Post, May 11, 2020 “Why kids shouldn’t be forced to sit at desks all day when schools reopen”
• The Guardian, May 2020 “Prioritise play when schools reopen, say mental health experts”
• University of Sussex Broadcast, May 7, 2020 Ministers told children must be free to play with friends to ease stress of life in lockdown
Government ministers are being urged by an expert panel to prioritise children’s play and socialising over formal learning when lifting the UK’s Coronavirus lockdown…The panel of psychologists, psychiatrists and other experts have written to senior ministers strongly recommending that small gatherings of children for outdoor play should be permitted as soon as it is safe to do so as one the first steps in loosening the lockdown.
• The Sydney Morning Herald, Nov. 7, 2019 “A three-point plan for sleepless, screen-obsessed kids: play, play and more play”
Contributing author, Pasi Sahlberg, makes the case for recess and play in school.