Advocating for Recess for all students on ABC News with Dr. Cathy Ramstetter & Dr. Will Massey, and a documentary about The Recess Project from Dr. Lauren McNamara!
Publications and posts
GRA Commentary on Recess 2022
Just published in the Journal of School Health: The commentary, Recess in the 21st Century Post-COVID World by Global Recess Alliance members Catherine L. Ramstetter PhD, Ed Baines PhD, Charlene Woodham Brickman PhD, Brendon Hyndman PhD, Olga Jarrett PhD, Rebecca A. London PhD, William Massey PhD, Lauren McNamara PhD, Robert Murray MD, and Debbie Rhea PhD
Global Recess Alliance Media
Publications, editorials and interviews by GRA members June 29, 2020 Phi Delta Kappan, International, When schools reopen, don’t neglect recess by London June 22, 2020 The Conversation US, 5 reasons to make sure recess doesn’t get short shrift when school resumes in person by London and Massey June 18, 2020 ASCD In-Service Why quality recess time…